Bill's Friends and Family

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sept 28th- Coming Home- Bill and Grandbaby Andrew

Bill has left the hospital (sounds like an Elvis thing). It was emotional leaving the nursing staff, the residents, doctors, and some of the patients we had befriended. (The snoring man had already left the hospital).
Home Health Care will start on Monday, but we have been trained (just in case) to clean and change his PICC line that remains for future chemo treatments. We have learned the definition of “sterile” when it comes to working with a tube that bacteria can travel to heart in an instant.
Bill’s only instructions are to rest, eat well, avoid crowds and (you will love this), avoid school teachers. He can have visitors and phone calls. His immune system can now handle bacteria from fruits and flowers. He is almost normal.

Visitors should not come if you have just had a flu shot. It is an active virus.
We return to Loyola Hospital on Wednesday for blood work, a doctor’s visit, and another Bone Marrow Biopsy. The results will tell us how he really is doing, and when Consolidation chemo will start.
Once again, we are humbled by your cards, well wishes, prayers and concerns. It has meant so much to Bill and I. Thank you for your kind words.
If you want the blood work “numbers” just ask. Let me just say, “They are GREAT”. Amen

New news. Kari said we couldn’t have two Hubers in the hospital at the same time. Bill came home on Friday afternoon, and she went into the hospital on Friday evening. Andrew was born Saturday at 12:20pm. He weighed in at 9 lbs 3 oz. Jeff says he has big hands and big feet. Baby and mom are doing fine. Guess Andrew better wear those newborn clothes quickly, he’s already a big boy. Nancy has a plane reservation for next Saturday to Charlotte, NC. (You can see where her priorities are, Bill or new baby….no contest). Janine and family are coming for the weekend to help Bill, and Jon is coming for the following week. It is wonderful to have family members that can “rise” to the occasion when needed.

Kari’s address is: Jeff and Kari Langley, 211 Mingus St., Belmont, NC 28012

Friday, September 28, 2007

Kari has gone to the hospital

Looks like we will have a baby this weekend. Kari and Jeff went to the hospital this evening. More later.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sept 26- The Numbers are Rising

Bill/Dad’s blood work just kept getting better as the day went on. His platelet count was so good, he did not receive any platelets today. Which also means he didn’t get any Demerol in the morning before the platelets. This means he was more alert and his speech was not as labored. The numbers will probably drop on Thurs, but that is okay. They will go up and down for the next few days. Then rise quickly (or so they tell us). The next step is to eliminate the antibiotics by IV for a couple of days, and then he will be ready to come home next week.

Here are the numbers:
Wed morning- White- 2,300 HGB- 8.1 Platelets- 24,000
Wed afternoon- White- 4,900 HGB- 8 Platelets- 43,000 ANC- 400

You are really good at praying. Keep up the good work. Someone must be listening.
I won’t have any news for the next few days. Same old thing. Numbers go up…numbers come down. I’ll let you know when we are home (Oh what a nice word.)

No grandbaby yet. He is due any day. Kari had her last day of work on Tuesday. She is taking a much needed rest before the big day.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sept 25- The Waiting Game

The doctor walked into Bill’s room and said, “BORING……. Nothing new, everything moving along as we expect." No fevers, no reactions. Just working on building those good white cells back to “normal”. He still receives either one or two 5-unit bags of platelets everyday.
Today is Bill’s 5th shot of Neupogen, the good white cell builder. The ANC (Absolute Nertrophil Count) will have to rise above 500 for Bill to go home. It still remains at zero.

For those keeping track:
White cells 500, HGB 8, and Platelets 10,000. The doctors assure us, that when the numbers begin to go up, they will rise quickly. But nothing yet.

Questions you all have asked?
Q: Can Bill talk on the phone?
A: Bill is still anemic, which means VERY TIRED and doesn’t want to talk on the phone. He will call you if there is something you need to know. For the same reason he doesn’t need company either. Especially if the Chicken Pox virus is at your
house!!!!! Bill has NO immune system. You can’t even shake hands with him, and
guys, absolutely NO HUGGING.

Q: Has Bill lost weight?
A: Bill has lost 15 lbs. He now weighs under 170 lbs. But, with the Sunday School
Class’s help, we will have him fattened up in no time. Bill did not get physically ill from the chemo, but he eats very small portions. He is just not hungry.

Q: Has Bill lost his hair?
A: Yes. And he hasn’t shaved for 2 days. I think he likes that part.

Q: When will Bill come home?
A: Doesn’t look like it will be this week. We will aim for next week.

I know I am being “The Overprotective Caretaker”, but Bill is not recovering from surgery. He is recovering from his blood supply (bone marrow) being destroyed, and the chemo is still doing that. It is an effort for him to sit in a chair or sit up to eat. But he is a fighter, and is giving this all he has. When I said he was a “Cancer Survivor”, that means he survived the first round of chemo, but has a lifetime battle ahead of him. This is far from over.

Our prayer for Bill/Dad this day is for the Lord to give his body the strength to make the “good” white cells that will help his body heal. Amen

Monday, September 24, 2007

Sept 24-Message from Bill

I want to thank everyone for their comments of words and encouragement. I continue to be overwhelmed and humbled by the response to the blog site.
It looks like 5 to 7 more days of hospital stay before I get to go home. So far the doctors are happy with my progress, and I just sit back and let Mother Nature take it’s course.
Thank you again for your comments.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

September 21st, What a Glorious Day!!!!!

When the doctors walk into a room with smiles on their faces, you know something good is about to happen.

The bone marrow is CLEAN of blasts of white cells. That means the reading is less then 5% BLASTS (the mutated white cells). Some white cells must be left in the bone marrow so they can begin to reproduce the good white cells (Neutrophils). The chemo treatments were a success, and Bill is a CANCER SURVIVOR.

Now the rebuilding of white cells begins. There are 5 types of white blood cells. Each cell type has a special function. The Nertrophils are the most important cells in fighting bacterial infections in our body. We want to see his ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count) begin to rise. It has been at zero during the chemo treatments, it needs to be at 500 to go home. He received his first injection of Neupogen in his abdomen on Friday. Neuprogen stimulates the growth of good white cells.
Bill continues to receive platelets, 10 units on Friday and antibiotics. He cannot come home until his immune system and blood counts are much higher.
Friday’s numbers were 500 White, 9.7 HCB and 6 Plts. ANC- 0

Bill will be home for about 4 weeks, then start the second round of chemo called “Consolidation”. This is not near as aggressive of a treatment. Just one chemo drug, 8 hours a day, three times a week, one week a month, for three months. (Did you get all that?) He will be back to work (half day), probably next month. Can you believe that he has gone from “near death, to “back to work” in 6 weeks. Praise the Lord!!!! And the doctors at Loyola.

Nurse Stephanie, who is our “real” source of information, explained it best. She said, “Bill, if you made it through this, you can make it through Hell and back.” The chemo treatment for AML is the most aggressive chemo treatment given. 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 4 types of drugs. The chemo treatments in the next 3 months will be a “walk in the park”.

Bill’s spirits are high. He cannot believe he will be out of the hospital in 7 days, and we are hoping for a speedy recovery.

THANK YOU……. THANK YOU….. THANK YOU. Our prayers were answered.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Sept. 21 - Our Prayers Answered!

Dear Friends & Family -
The results are in: Bill is cancer free!!
It is with a joyous heart that I pass this info on from Mom/Nancy. She'll fill you in on all the details as soon as she has time.
(Being a journalist, I just had to get this breaking news on the web ASAP!)
Thank you so much for your prayers - keep 'em coming! Bill will need them for the next phase!
More to come...

Sept 21- Everything Remains the Same

"Everything Remains the Same”

Just writing to say there is no change in Bill’s status. His blood work remains the same. He still needs platelets everyday, and the good news. No Fever. Since he is still anemic, his energy level is low and he can take a nap whenever he wants. Results from the Bone Marrow Biopsy will be ready on Monday. Those findings determine the next step.

Janine, Don, and Maggie will be in for the weekend. So I will get my Maggie “fix’. We will not take her to the hospital because of the C-DIFF bacteria.
Kari’s baby is due this week, if “Andrew” decides to be born in September, and not October. Kari and Jeff are ready for his arrival. Laura (Jon’s wife) is on hold to help Kari, until I feel comfortable to leave Bill and spend a week in Charlotte.

Please remember......No flowers, no fruit, no visitors. All have bacteria that Bill has no resistance to right now. And, the room phone has been unplugged. For our West Virginia friends that are just getting word, sorry it took so long. Cards should be sent to the house. With any luck, Bill should come home next week, maybe.

This verse was on a card from Amy and Ali, and was just right for the moment.
The smallest things can change out lives-
One hand reaching out to another…
One prayer whispered in faith…
One moment that shines with His presence.
Thinking of you...
Praying for you...
and wanting you to know how much we care.

Bill and I are overwhelmed with the love, concern, and well wishes you have shared with us. Thank you all.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sept 19- BMA Day

Yeah. The Bone Marrow Aspiration and Bone Core Sample are finished for this round of chemo.

Bill did really well with the BMA. He said it was not painful, just a pressure in the pelvis area. The doctor inserts a needle for the aspiration, where they draw the fluid from the bone marrow. The bone marrow is where our blood supply is produced. It is a mixture of white and red cells, and platelets.
The good news……... It was red in color. If you remember, two weeks ago, his bone marrow was white and thick with blasts of white cells. The chemo has done it’s job. Results from the BMA will not be ready until Monday. The doctor that reads the fluid is on rotation at another hospital
Bill has not had a fever for 5 days. Of course, he is on antibiotics about 3 times a day. I am sure that helps.

Bill’s blood continues to be low on all counts.

Bill’s count
White cells- 500
HOB (red)-9.6
Platelets- 13,000
Neutrophils- 0 (this is the “good” white cells, and we want to see this number go up in the next week.)

Normal counts should be:
White cells- 3,000- 7,000
HOB- 12-18 gm/dl
Platelets- 150,000-400,000

Bill’s red cell count is on the high side (for him) because he received 2 bags of packed red cells on Tuesday.
Bill is still anemic, still receiving platelets everyday, and red cells as needed.

Pastor Bryant brought us Prayer Shawls made by the ladies of the church. Bill wears both of them (mine and his) every evening when the room cools down. One is wrapped around his shoulders, the other across his lap. He said all he needs now is a babushka, and he’d look like his grandmom.

We both enjoy your cards and well wishes. Thank you so much for taking the time to remember both of us.

Our prayer this evening is for good results from the tests, and improvements in his blood supply. This puts us one step closer to recovery.
Please pray for the 5 other AML patients that have been admitted to Loyola just this month. They are hoping to go home soon also.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sept 17- evening update

Just a quick update.

The culture showed that Bill has the infection, Clostridium, or in the medical world, C-DIFF. It is very common in hospitals when a patient is on high doses of antibiotics and has a weak immune system. He will be isolated (private room) until he has recovered, but he is not in any danger.

Bill had a GREAT day. Good nights rest, worked on the computer, and TOOK A SHOWER. His first shower since August. Think about that one.

I feel better too, guess I was worried about him.

Your prayers are working again. Thanks for staying in touch on the website.

Sept 17- Be Careful What You Wish For

Be Careful What You Wish For

Bill finally got his Private Room (for at least the next 2 days). But, it is to keep him away from others, not just others away from him. The doctors are doing a stool culture on Bill because they suspect a contagious bacteria. Nurses weren’t talking last night, so I hope to get more info today. It takes 2 days to run the culture and know if there is a problem.

Bill has not had a fever for 2 days. Amen. Thank you for your prayers. They were answered. When he is free of fever, he eats three meals, and even wanted cookies in between meals.

His white cell count is holding at 300. His red cells (7.6) and platelets (13,000) were again low, so on Sunday he received both red cells and platelets. Once again, the platelets were one donor, A Positive, and a large “fresh” bag about 8-10 units. He never really perked up after the packed red cell IV. Guess the Bears game zapped him of his energy.

We pray that Bill, through medications, will be able to fight this new bacteria.
Please pray for me, I am getting tired, and we have a long road ahead of us.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

September 15, 2007- Today was a "7".

September 15, 2007

Today was a “7”.

If the Tennessee Vols had beaten Florida, it would have been a “10”.

We are now “rating” our days. This is a huge improvement in his recovery. Before Bill was just into survival, now we have degrees of well-being. Though we have also discovered that just when you think your day is a “7”, it drops to a “4” within the hour.

Bill continues to be plagued by fevers (101 degrees). I no longer panic when his temperature goes up. We now know the routine. Cold wash cloths, ice packs, fluids. Tylenol. After about 2 hours the fever comes down. Much faster than last week.

Bill is continuing to receive blood platelets on a daily basis. To try to eliminate one possible cause of the fevers, he is now getting “fresh” blood platelets that are only Type A positive from one donor. If you live in the area, and are Type A positive, and have the time to give platelets at LifeSource, 2707 Aurora Ave, (630-355-2385) your donation of time and blood would be much appreciated by Bill and I. Your donation has a very good chance of being used by Bill, because he is only be given blood that has been donated in the past 5 day. LifeSource is the supplier of blood for Loyola Hospital.

If you are “frustrated” because I won’t let anyone do anything for us (because there really isn’t anything to do at this point), giving blood, wherever you live, would be the greatest gift of all. Almost everyone on this hematology floor at the hospital is receiving packed cells or plasma everyday. It has really made us aware of the need for blood donations. Just let us know on the website that you gave blood, and Bill will be forever grateful. Me, too.

If you are tracking Bill’s white cell count, it was down to 300 on Friday, and up a little to 500 on Saturday. The doctor wants to see it at 100.

The doctor said Bill was a “B plus” patient. He would have been an “A” patient, except for his body rejecting platelets. Hey, we have to make these doctors earn their keep. Don’t want to make it too easy for them.

Bill is getting stronger each day. Again, thank you for your prayers and word of support. It keeps us going.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

September 13- The Healing begins...

With any luck, there won’t be too much to write about in the next 5 days. Bill has now completed the Induction Therapy (chemo). As of 6pm this evening, all IV’s have been completed, and he was a “free” man, free of the pole with the hanging bags. Now we let the chemo drugs do their thing, killing the white (and red) cells and hoping the red and “good” white cells rebuild, and the Leukemia white cells do not multiply.

If you are keeping track. Bill’s white cell count is still holding at 400 (that is a good thing) and red cells and platelet counts were still good.

If you want the gory details of the day, here they are. When I arrived, Bill had had a fever most of the night and it was just breaking in the morning. It was time to give him 5 units of platelets, so Demerol comes first because of his allergic reaction last week. So, he fell asleep and missed lunch. When he awoke, it was time for the second IV of platelets, so they gave him Demerol, and he fell asleep. There went the afternoon. (This is the reason it would be silly to come visit Bill, unless you want to come and talk to yourself or his roommate’s wife who talks all the time.) He did have a slight reaction to one of the platelet packs, and I noticed it was O and not A (his blood type). They say it does not matter on platelets, but something caused the reaction. The nurse gave him a steroid and oxygen After an hour, he was okay again.

He was awake for dinner, and he ate well. He walked the halls. Read your messages on the computer, and worked on the computer for a while. Your messages mean so much to him. Whether they are caring words of encouragement, or something that makes him laugh. And, it is wonderful to hear him laugh. Thank you for the part you are playing in his recovery.

Our next big day is Wednesday, September 19th. That is the second bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. Results should be available by next Friday. Check back next week to read what Bill’s next treatment will be.

Our prayer this evening is for a night (and day) without fever.
Our prayer is for the healing hands of God to touch his body.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sept 12- First Round of Chemo is done

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The Induction Round of Chemotherapy is Over

Sorry I missed a day on reporting Bill’s progress, but I wanted to give those who were learning about Leukemia a brief introduction to Bill’s illness. ( Read: “What Happened to Bill? to learn more).

Today, Bill received his 7th and last dosage of medications in the Induction round of chemo. On Thursday, about noon, he will be disconnected from all IV’s and will be a free man. This means he can walk the halls of the hospital wing for the next week. He has had as many as seven IV’s hanging from the pole at one time. I enjoyed watching the number of bags diminished throughout the day.

Bill usually receives one- 5 unit bag of platelets a day. But today he received 2 – 5 unit bags of platelets. The platelets keep him from bleeding. He is not even allowed to brush his teeth or blow his nose. ( He does have a special rinse for his teeth).

Bill did not receive red blood cells today. That is a good sign that his red cell count is up (9.0) and his white cell count is down to 400. The chemo is doing it’s job.

Some of you have asked me what chemo drugs he was on. They were:
Day 1-2-3- Daunomycin
Day 1 through 7- Cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C)
Day 4- Mylotarg- a clinical study drug that he had an allergic reaction to. (Bet we won’t be doing that one again.)

Plus, everyday he receives a heart medicine- Verapamil Hydrochloride, 2 anti-nausea drugs- Zofian and Compazine, antibiotics and transfusions during chemo. And that is just the transfusions. I don’t know what pills he is taking in addition to this.

Bill was not as active today as the past 2 days. But, he didn’t receive those red blood cells, and that is our source of oxygen for our lungs and brain. Plus, the effects of chemo are going to begin to take their toll.

Pray for Bill’s comfort as the chemo works it’s “magic”.
Pray for Bill to have patience as the 4 walls surround him.
Pray that Bill’s roommate doesn’t snore tonight so he can get some sleep. Amen.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What happened to Bill?... Condensed version - 9/11/2007

So many people have asked....What happened to Bill?
Here is the condensed version to help you understand what we have learned in the past 10 days.

Bill has Acute Myelogenious Leukemia (AML) type M-4 (Myelomonocytic).

It attacks quickly when the white cells mutate and multiply, cluster, and expand to get out of your bone marrow. It surrounds the good red and white cells and keeps them from doing their function in the body. Thus, these new white cells are called “bad white cells” and are a liquid cancer. They do not attach to an organ, but just their numbers can keep an organ from functioning properly. Normal is 3,000-7,000 cells. Bill’s count was 225,000 when we arrived at the hospital. An emergency situation for a Leukemia patient.

He receives 5 units of platelets each day, and when his red cell count is low, he receives
packed red blood cells (which is not the same as plasma) .

Bill is now on Day 6 of 7 days of chemo. The chemo is given 24 hours a day. Then on Sept 19th he will have a second bone marrow aspiration to get a new reading on the bad white cells in his marrow. The goal is zero. If the reading is not zero, he begins a second round of chemo. If that doesn’t work, a bone marrow transplant will be discussed. His white cell count is below 600 at this point, because the chemo is doing it’s job. Bill actually feels better on chemo then he did before he enter the hospital.

We cannot have any flowers, visitors (sterile environment), or fresh fruit (bacteria). At the moment he is feeling up to phone calls, but that may change as the effects of chemo set in. He cannot reach the room phone by his bed. He has too many tubes to worry about a phone cord.

Nancy’s cell phone is 630-240-5724- She is his personal secretary right now.

Mr. John William Huber (patient)
Room 6392-1
Loyola University Medical Center
2160 S. First Ave.
Maywood, IL 60153

Live today to it’s fullest. Because each day is a new adventure.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Update From Bill - 9/10/07

Hello all,

I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers. I am humbled everytime I read your encouraging remarks and thoughts.

Day 5 of chemo has been similar to the last 4. Still waiting for my hair to fall out - though why that should be a big event for me is still a great unknown.

The days and nights are long but your support gives me great strength and makes the time pass quickly.

Just taking it one day at a time.

My thoughts and prayers are with you as yours are with me.


Sept 10, 2007

We had a wonderful weekend with the Huber Clan.

Everyone arrived on Friday. We tried to pace ourselves in visiting Bill. Everyone wanted to see him, but all the activity wore him out quickly. "Everyone" is Janine, Don and 5 month old Maggie from Indy, Jon and Laura from Knoxville, and Kari (37 weeks pregnant) and Jeff from Charlotte.

On Saturday, after visiting Bill, Janine, Don, Maggie and Laura headed to the Brookfield Zoo, which is just down the street from the hospital. Church friends (The Throndsons) who volunteer at the zoo, gave us passes to use. They had a wonderful time and loved the monkey exhibit and the elephants.

Another church friend (The Masters) brought over everything we could possibly need for breakfast. It was wonderful not to have to think about that, and the guys got in the kitchen and cooked up a feast. They even cleaned up afterwards.

Bill is now on Day 4 of chemo. He receives 2 drugs by IV, 24 hours a day, for 7 days. He also receives red blood platelets everyday and if needed, he is getting plasma, but not on a daily basis. He is tired, very tired. But his strength is building, and he is getting out of bed and sitting in a chair to eat. Today I will take the computer to the hospital and see if he is interested in working on it.

Bill was healthy before all this started. His chances for a cure are very good. His organs are handling the chemo drugs very well. The bad white cells are being destroyed (as well as the good cells), and don't seem to be multiplying at a faster rate then they are being destroyed. (Amen). We will know the outcome of chemo in 2 weeks when he has another bone marrow aspiration.

Interesting fact: The results of Bill's first bone marrow sample showed it be 50%-60% white cell "blasts." Blasts are the mutated white cells that take over the blood and destroy the good cells. The color of his bone marrow was white. (I believe red or pink would have been much better.)
The attending doctor had never seen this before.

We thank you for all the cards you are sending, and well wishes. Bill has not read the get well cards as of this date. He is very weepy, and I'm sure that comes from his weakness. But the cards are in his room just waiting to be read when he is ready to receive your good wishes and prayers.

I go to the hospital everyday. Not only to be with Bill and care for him in the "little" ways, but watch what is going on, speak to the doctors, and become more educated on the subject of leukemia. After 8 days, I have more knowledge on this subject then I wish to know.

Thank you all for you prayers, well wishes, and offers of help. We are in this for the long haul, and I may need your help later.