Bill's Friends and Family

Friday, December 7, 2007

December 7th- Sisters are not a match

As Bill said, “Nothing has been easy so far, why should this be easy.”
The doctor’s next step is to contact the National Bone Marrow Donor Association. They first find “preliminary” matches, and then do further testing to see if they are an exact match. This process has begun.
If you would be interested in being tested, call your local blood bank, and see if they do Bone Marrow Screenings. It takes about 1½ hours to give platelets for this test. Your sample would then be put into the system and it could be a match for Bill or someone else. in the Chicago area, LifeSource does this blood draw.
It usually takes 3-6 months to find a donor. Bill will need another round of chemo to control the cancer. Our next doctor’s appointment is Dec 14th. I’ll have more information then. Hopefully we can stay out of the hospital between now and then.


Anonymous said...

Well in life I've learned things are never easy. But I've also learned that you can never give up hope. But hey we can always try with grandma having another child...LOL!
Brian's dad is on the National donor list. He's never been called.
In our thoughts and prayers,
Brian and E.B.

Anonymous said...

While I was disappointed to hear that your sisters weren't a match, I still hold hope that you'll find a donor because of your popular bloodline. What did the doctor say? "You couldn't have picked better parents"? I'm sure your mom won't let you forget that for a long time!

This is just a bump in the road. You're right that it's never easy, but it also seems true that things work out for the best.

Thinking of you,
Janet and John

Anonymous said...

Who says we're not a match? We may not be a bone marrow match, but we are definitely a match when it comes to family! Nothing that is worthwhile comes easily - sometimes we have to work a little harder to get the perfect result. This is one test I am really sorry I failed - but I pray that someone soon passes the test!

Love, prayers, and good health,
The Little Sister, Gail

Anonymous said...

Hey my friend, there is someone out there and they will just have to find them. Put in a request for someone with lots of hair, a 48 inch vertical jump, large muscels, well endowed, blue eyes, and can go all night without having to get up and pee. When the transition takes place all of this trouble will be worth it.
David Eaker

Anonymous said...


Well, just remember this is the season for miracles and yours IS out there.....we all pray it happens soon.

Love & Hugs to you both
Karen & Brian

Anonymous said...

So sorry you don't have a match yet.
Loved the comments about your picking the qualities you want.
Just keep up the good work, and surely a match will be found soon.
Take care,
Jim and Mary Lou

Mike said...

Hi Hubers,

Your attitude is outstanding but I still think it stinks that there is not already a donor match! I'm praying, crossing my fingers and knocking on wood for a match from the registry spite of your Volunteer fan status

Your former bell ringing friend and Wildcat fan,


Paula said...

Of all the tests I ever wanted to pass this was the one. Well at least you won't have left handedness that will ruin your golf game. I'm sure the perfect person is out there waiting. We will just have to have patience and pray and never give up hope.

The big sister (At least Gail didn't say younger so I had to say older)

Howard and Dee Reynolds said...

Your Christmas letter arrived yesterday. We had no idea what you are going through! Please know that you are in our love and our prayers.
Howard and Dee

Anonymous said...

Bill, Nancy & family:

When we received your Christmas letter we were stunned to learn what you've all been going through. Bill - if you can tough out sleeping in a shelter in Washington DC for a week with the youth group, you can lick this one!

Our love and prayers are with you all as you make this journey.

Marlon & Jennifer

Mickey Hornack said...

Hey Hubers-I am going to check and see about a "match session" I did not see match info and I am not sure how medications affect the tests or age. I can change the meds when I feel like it, the doctors may not agree with that. But the age factor i can only lie about. get back 2 U,, till then hang tough.

Anonymous said...

Bill & Nancy,
Hang in there! I have great confidence that a donor will be found soon. I received your Christmas letter and can't believe how you have managed to cope with all this and get your letters out. I guess old age is creeping up on me. I don't have anything done for Christmas. The pictures of Maggie and Andrew are precious. Grandchildren have a way of making us keep perking.

Mary Jo

Dee said...

Nancy and Bill, sorry that Bill's sisters weren't a match, but we'll all keep praying that your match will come soon. Take care of each other and keep bouncing Maggie, she's adorable!



Bill and Nancy:

Heard from Gail and Paula about the non-match. My family and my church are continuing the prayers and added a prayer for a Donor Match real soon.

All will be okay, just hang in there.