Bill's Friends and Family

Friday, December 28, 2007

December 28th- Here we go again

Christmas was wonderful, the grandchildren were a delight, and it is always special to have our family and their spouses all together. But, now back to our reality.
The Leukemia Cutis (the cancer skin rash) has returned. Remission was short lived. Chemotherapy will be used to control his cancer, and it will be another strong (Introductory) round. Today, at the clinic, Bill had his 5th bone marrow biopsy procedure and a skin biopsy of the rash to verify their diagnosis of cancer.
The good news…...his blood work was “normal”. The white cell count was normal and no leukemia white “blasts” were in his blood. This is really good news. The bone marrow biopsy will tell us if there are any leukemia blasts in his bone marrow. Bill says he thinks his bone marrow is clean of blasts. This is one time I would like him to be right.
Bill goes back to the hospital on Monday for an ultrasound of his liver, which is under stress from the chemo treatments. Apparently, the liver filters the chemo into your system. They want to make sure his liver can handle another round of chemo, and more transfusions of red cells which would follow the chemotherapy.
We have scheduled appointments at the end of January at MD Anderson in Houston, and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. Both these facilities will do a 50 percent match on a related donor, and one of Bill’s sisters is a 50 percent match. Our children and their spouses were all tested over Christmas and it will be interesting to see if they come up in the donor pool as a match. They are proudly displaying their donor cards for the picture.
Your prayers are still needed. Bill needs a bone marrow transplant to survive. His blood (white cells) cannot fight this cancer.

Pray for the doctors and their care of him.
Pray for strength for Bill, mind and body, to keep up the fight.
We thank the Lord for each new day. Amen


Anonymous said...

Just like the rest of us - can't leave well enough alone! So glad the blood work was "normal" - like any of us are ever normal. Christmas looked to be a really good time! Family is the best medicine of all.

Prayers continue - hope the "match" is found soon.

Love, prayer, and good health,

Anonymous said...

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!
And I hope the New Year treats you even better.
You are in my thoughts and prayers always!!!

Anonymous said...

Great news about the blood count and his sister's half count. Does that mean she is his half sister? Just the right half, I guess. Great pictures of the kids and grandchildren. Keep up the good fight. Nancy, take care of yourself. Prayers for you every day.

Paula said...

I loved all of your family pictures.Besides,family brings out the best in all of us.

It was great to hear that the blood work was normal.
I am hoping that with God's help my sisterly half will be able to help you. (don't worry about your golf game I'll start using my right hand...)

Thinking of you and Nancy often and praying too.


Mickey Hornack said...

good to see some positive stuff as usual. holidays are a mixed bag no matter what. some good and some not so good. I am checking with cardiologist and cardioneurologist to see if I am able to do this bone marrow check up thing. i am on several heart meds. and if there is not any problems I will get on with my check for you. Bill, here's a tidbit to make you smile, its the 4th year I have made Grandma's nutrolls (from scratch) and honestly they "aint too bad" happy new year

Anonymous said...

Nancy and Bill,

As always, I am thinking of you and trying to send as much positive energy your way as possible! Every day brings you just a little closer to finding a donor. All good things come to those who wait, right? Good luck with the results of the bone marrow test and the liver sonogram!

- Janet and John

Anonymous said...

I will focus on the good news and keep hoping for the best for Bill. Continue to be strong my friend. Enjoy all the football for the next four days.
David Eaker

Dee said...

Bill and Nancy, You all look wonderful at your family Christmas. Bill you look great with that smile on your face and grandbabies on or near you.

Our prayers continue to be with you and your search for a donor. Keep strong and believe.
