Bill's Friends and Family

Thursday, December 6, 2007

November 6th- No News

Can you believe it? The results for bone marrow matches are not ready. But in the same breath they say "We'll move as quickly as possible when we know something."
Bill was not given another chemo injection into his spinal fluid. They want to wait another week.
His blood work showed his white cells and platelets are doing great...his hemoglobin is still catching up, but improving (10 is his number- 14 is average). That explains why he is still tired. The doctor is hoping Bill does not need another round of chemo before the transplant because it is taking him so long to recover from the last round. Another round would be hard on him.
I will make an announcement as soon as we have some information.


Jeannie said...

Been thinking of you guys all day and hoping for some good news. I know how hard it is to wait, but it will come soon, then you will be on your way to full recovery.

Paula said...

I guess Paula, Billy and Gail are going to learn the true meaning of patience. Mom said I was never very good at this and she is right. But wait we must...

We will all have to pray a little harder in the coming days.

Thinking of you often

Anonymous said...

Bill and Nancy--
We have been out of town for two weekends and haven't been able to keep up with how things are going. We hope you are feeling better and that you regain your spunk soon. Waiting is the hardest part of this game. Hang in there! We love you.
Ann and Jim

Anonymous said...

AHHHH....still waiting! That just means we get to pray longer for our prayers to be answered. May good news come soon.
Hope the blood work is rising!!!

Much love and prayers,