Bill's Friends and Family

Thursday, February 28, 2008

February 28th- U of C here we come

Sorry I haven’t written, but the past two days have been a whirlwind. We arrived on Wednesday at the University of Chicago Advanced Medicine Center by limousine, compliments of a friend. (They didn’t want us driving to Chicago in rush hour and wanted it to be a calm relaxing trip, which it was.) After our consultation with the hematologist-oncologist we were given 4 options. There were 3 clinical trials for which Bill was eligible, and the fourth choice was to go home and do nothing. Bill said going home was not an option. With the doctor’s advice, we picked a clinical trial which was in the 2nd stage. She then suggested that Bill be admitted to the hospital that very day, and that medications be started immediately in the clinic.
Her concern was Bill’s white cell count was doubling almost everyday. It was 11,000 on Monday, 24,000 on Wednesday, and it would have gotten ugly later in the week. The medication was one that reduces white cell growth. After just 3 doses his white cell count was back down to 15,000 this morning, and I pray it is lower on Friday.

Here is the plan.
Today was orchestrated by the doctor. MRI of the brain, bone biopsy (his 9th), spinal fluid tests for leukemia, heart monitoring, and other tests. At one point, two wheelchairs appeared at the door to take him for testing. He said, “I can only go with one of you, pick one”.
After he passes all the tests, and meets the criteria of the study (which he should) they will start a low dose of cyterabine chemo on Friday that will last for 5 days. When his white cell blasts have been lowered to a manageable number, the clinical trial will begin. This will be a liquid that can be taken as long as 20 days at HOME. When I learn more about how this chemical works, I will share that information.
By the time we arrived at the hospital, on Wednesday, Bill was so fatigued he could not walk, talk, make a decision, or even sign his name. In the next 24 hours we had a complete turn around. About lunchtime today, he became talkative, asked questions, kidded with the nurses and complained to me. He had a brutal day with test after test, never took a nap, but was somewhat alert and more involved with his illness. I want to know who was praying at lunchtime on Thursday, because you (they) must have a direct line with the Lord. It worked!

This weekend we are having company. Kari, Jeff and baby Andrew. Janine, Don and Maggie. And because of the generosity of a friend from Pennsylvania, Bill’s 93 year old mom and 2 sisters are flying here. It will be a busy weekend. I must add that between our church friends, bridge friends, and special friends, they have prepared meals, stocked the refrigerator, cleaned the house, and are picking up the air travelers at O’Hare and Midway. I can just watch over Bill. Once again, I am overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone, and their desire to help when we are into the 5th month of Bill’s illness. Thank you.
I will post again after our busy weekend.

“The lord says, I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer, I will be with them in trouble.” Amen

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

February 26th- The Sound of Music

After church on Sunday 10 members of the Grace UMC Praise Team came to sing TO Bill, and ended up singing WITH Bill. Bill was in his element. His first love, music. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house, except for Bill. He sat up straight, found his music and joined them. For over one hour our home was filled with Praise music. It was a blessing for all of us.
Wednesday morning we meet with the doctors at University of Chicago Cancer Center to discuss the clinical trial and if he can participate. It would be our little miracle. I won’t be driving into the city because friends have arranged for a driver to pick us up and bring us home. What a blessing.
Bill wakes in the morning feeling good, and fades in the evenings. Kind of like most of us old folks. He can’t wait to have some energy back.

“Father, If you are willing, take this cup from me: yet not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22:42

Saturday, February 23, 2008

February 23- What's next?

Bill is doing so well….considering. Bill is not in any pain, nor is he on oxygen. Just so you know, at this time he does not read the blog. I, on the other hand, try to check it twice a day, and thank you for your loving thoughts and endless prayers. You give me strength.

The Northwestern clinical trail is closed. That means the pharmaceutical company has pulled the drug, and stopped the testing.
Our doctor directed us to a clinical trial at the University of Chicago Cancer Center that is specifically for leukemia patients. We have an appointment on Wednesday with the doctors there and they will determine if Bill is a candidate. Time is of the essence.
Jon and Laura are here this weekend. It will be wonderful to have their support and to just be with them.
Nurse Nancy is lifting all isolation rules for Bill. He is still Neutropenic (susceptible to infection). If you are not sick, please come by. He is slowly recovering from the last chemotherapy treatment in early January, but the leukemia is taking over his body. Come sooner rather than later if you want to visit.
Love you all. We are now praying for that miracle.

Letty and Steve sent a card with these words:
May you have strength at your backdoor, so you have it when you need it…
May you have courage in your pocket so you know where to find it…
And, always, may you have hope in your heart, so you never misplace it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

February 19th- Hills and Valleys

We are back down in a valley. Bill did not get good results on his bone marrow biopsy. His bone marrow was 45% Leukemic blasts. We are now working on the next step. We are gathering information on a clinical trial at Northwestern University Medical Center that might accept him. Bill needs to decide if he wants to be involved with this study or just stay at home. As we pray and work through these options we know you will support us.

Friday, February 15, 2008

February 15th- A little improvement

And we will take a little improvement. His white cells have improved on Thurs and Fri just 200 points, but at least they are on the way up. Red cells and platelets are hanging in there. This was a big day for Bill at the cancer clinic. He had the bone marrow biopsy, an injection of chemo into his spinal fluid, and platelets. He broke out in hives while receiving the platelets, and of course, I caught it happening. The nurses think I’m overprotective when I watch him constantly when he receives platelets, but now they know why. He came home and slept for 3 hours.
I will know by Tuesday the results of the bone marrow biopsy, and maybe what our next step will be. (Or at least an appointment date to talk about the next step). Remember, Bill has to be in remission and in good health to even do a bone marrow transplant.
Janine, Don and Maggie come to visit this weekend. Hopefully they will bring a smile to Bill’s face.
Thank you for your prayers and support. He seemed to turn the corner on Thursday. “Coincidence I think not.”

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 13th- Calling in the troops

Bill is having a medical issue where he is just not making blood. His white cells, hemoglobin and platelets are just not multiplying. Each day since he has been home, the numbers have gone down just a little bit. They should be multiplying. His body is just wore out, and the bone marrow is tired. On Friday the doctor will do another bone marrow biopsy to see what the Leukemia blasts count might be in his marrow. It will be next week before we have the results.
If the blast count is high (over 5 %) we have a problem. If it is under 1 % he is ready for a bone marrow transplant. Any number in between, we have some time.
We need your help to let the Lord know we have a priority customer here who needs his help. Let’s send out this prayer to the only one who has any control over our bodies.
May His will be done.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

February 9th- Seattle Trip Canceled

As much as we want to visit the Seattle Cancer Center, it won’t happen this month. Bill is not well enough to travel. His blood counts have not recovered as quickly as we had hoped and he is still anemic, neutropenic, and low on platelets. Plus, he is very tired, sleeping about 18 hours a day. The doctor said he is doing as well as a 20 year old would do after 4 rounds of chemo. I’m sure Bill doesn’t feel like a 20 year old right now.
The doctor is giving Bill this week to recover. The following week Bill will have a bone marrow biopsy to determine if his bone marrow is “clean”. With good test results and an improvement in his health, he will be one step closer to a transplant.
Our prayers this week are for Bill’s improved health and appetite. He lost another 15 pounds with this round of chemo and 4 ½ weeks in the hospital since January 2. But, tonight, he got the “clean plate” award eating meat loaf and baked potato followed by ice cream, his favorite dessert right now.
Your prayers hold us up and keep us going. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

February 6th- Transplant status

First off…BILL IS HOME!!!! Sleeping in his own bed and watching TV on the couch.
His blood has recovered and bone marrow is doing it’s thing. It is GREAT to have him at home. Company is welcome for short visits (15 min) because rest, healing, and staying healthy are the most important goals right now.

I have been in contact with the transplant coordinator. It takes 4-5 days for the extraction process. Our 26 year old male donor, if he lives in the United States, is going to be given a choice of 3 dates to come to Loyola. If he is from the International Donor Pool, then the extraction of bone marrow will be done in his home country. A transporter will fly to Europe and bring back the bone marrow in a cooler. Even our doctors do not know who the donor is, or where he lives. We will find out his name one year after the transplant.
In the meantime, Bill needs to be in remission and good health for all this to be placed into action. The coordinator says we are looking at about 6 weeks from now. That would put this procedure at the end of March. But, remember, we are on hospital time.

Our church family and Questors Sunday School Class, have jumped right back into action. Dinner is being brought to us almost every night, and transportation is being provided to the airport next week when we go to Seattle. Everyone that is helping with just one thing, adds up to a whole lot of help for us. Thank you, we are blessed.

Please pray for Bill’s recovery of strength. And a parting of the clouds next week to allow for easy air travel. Chicago has had it’s share of snow and ice this winter, and airport cancellations. Thank you for your prayers.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

February 3- Quick Note

Bill's counts are going up, blood work is improving, and his bone marrow is making neutrophils. He should be home by Tuesday. Amen. We are both ready for him to be home.