Bill's Friends and Family

Saturday, December 1, 2007

December 1- Fever that won't quit

Just when you think things are getting better… something else comes along. Not major, but Bill had a low grade fever on Friday, plus some other minor issues, so we were back to the cancer clinic to be checked. Dr Shafer must have jinxed him on Friday when she complimented Bill on managing to get through a tough regiment of chemo, and not being back in the hospital with a fever.
On Saturday morning he had a 100.2 temperature all morning and early afternoon. When his temperature reaches 100.5 we are to let the doctor know. By UT kickoff time his temperature reached 100.4. I called the doctor and we were headed to the emergency room. Of course, we waited for the snow and ice storm to arrive in the area to make our trip more interesting.

Good news- Bill is home.
Good news- It is nothing major and antibiotics will take care of it.
Good news- The ER room had a TV set and we saw most of the game.
Good news- Our car was covered in a thick layer of ice when we got home, but thank goodness, the roads were salted and we arrived home safely.

Bad news- Tennessee lost to LSU.

Bill’s blood count numbers have improved. Now his body needs to heal. He will be taking it easy again this week. Please pray that he gets get stronger each day.


Jeannie said...

So glad the fever is nothing serious. It was great talking to you Bill, it seems both our teams let us down....Tenn. and WVU. Let's hope the Steelers do well tonight. Take care, Love, Jeannie

Anonymous said...

Bill, you just got too excited about the game!!
Sorry about the glitch in your weekend but happy that you are back home again. Have Nancy call when you feel like a bit of company......
Karen & Brian

Anonymous said...

We certainly pray that you gain strength each day.

Also wonder if anticipation of the Vols game had anything to do with your fever. . .

Was a bad day for sports here as UK men lost and every other team we cheered for--including WVU.

Just came from a wonderful Advent Concert that featured Chris Smallwood. Jim videoed it, so we'll try to remember to send you a DVD.

Take care,
Mary Lou

Mickey Hornack said...

Hey, great news about all the good things. the UT thing aint no big thing in the cosmos. Of course Pitt ovedr WVU is!!!! Hope you get to see the game tonite in PGH. Wife went hubby stayed home paradox at best. Continued improvement hopefully will continue.

Anonymous said...

Bill and Nancy,

I just heard indirectly from Jim Wolf and then from Carl Peterson on Friday that Bill has been "under the weather". What I read here sounds very encouraging! Glad to hear that you are "on the mend"!

If there is ANYTHING either of you need done around the house or any other way we can help, please let us know. We are right here in town and we are ready to jump in anytime you need a hand.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how we all look at a "fever", isn't it? Good that it is "minor" and able to be gotten under control - like we have anything under control! How 'bout dem Stillers? I know, they beat the Bungles, but a win is a win is a win! (Some Pittsburghese from the home folk!) Hope all remains uneventful - uneventful is good for us old folk, right?

Love, prayers, and good health,

Anonymous said...

Hi, guys. Hope the fever is going away as of Monday morning. Just had to do something to keep things interesting. Love the pictures of your babies. Sorry the weather is getting pesky. Cold here (50's). Nancy, what's up with you? The Fields are back from a week in Cozymel. They had a great time. Mike's pacemaker seems to be doing the trick.
Love you both,

Anonymous said...

Nancy and Bill,

It's good to see that the good news outweighed the bad, and that the fever has been under control with antibiotics. Since it's that time of year where everyone is getting a cold, you're in good company. The boys have had runny noses on and off for about a month now. I think we'll be able to visit you once spring arrives and they're able to stay germ-free! Of course, being kids, are they ever really germ free? Is that wishful thinking?

Hang in there. I hope your strength continues to improve (and your patience isn't stretched too much by the waiting).

- Janet and John

Anonymous said...

Glad nothing is seriously wrong. I have worried about the weather for you. My guys are sad about UT, too. I hope this is an uneventful week for you.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are keeping up the good work. As a nurse: can't stress enough to "Wash your hands" OFTEN. It's winter and those critters love to thrive. Keep that fever down. May God bring us good new soon.

Love always,

Anonymous said...

well, the computer illiterate sister has been trying to get to the blog. They changed the sign in directions on me.

Hope the fever has subsided and you are resting and washing those hands.

Sorry about Tennessee and WVU, but a Steeler win is a win is a win...

Hope the Chicago weather is cooperating with your doctor visits.

hinking of you often and saying many prayers
