Bill's Friends and Family

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

November 27- Say Good-bye to Brain Cancer

We have the official word from our doctor that the Leukemia cells in his brain are GONE!!! Even the cluster of cells in the membrane along the frontal lobe and two small clusters at the base of the brain, that were a huge concern, have been destroyed. AMEN! The chemotherapy again is doing it’s job, and I’m sure your prayers have speeded things along. Bill does not have to go back for a chemo shot to the Ommaya until Thurs a week.

Bill’s blood counts are rising daily. He is still very tired. It must take a lot of energy to make bone marrow and blood. But each day is getting better. He should be ready for the SEC Championship game on Saturday afternoon.

I probably won’t have any news for several days. But remember, “No News is Good News.” I will let you know the results of his sister’s blood tests as soon as I get the word. That will probably be on December 6th when we go back to the Cancer Clinic.

Caring is all around us, thank you for your love and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see the brain results. I have not been sure until now that Bill really had one. I thought it got destroyed by rearing 3 children to adulthood with the largest damage coming during middle school. We never forget you.
David Eaker

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill,
Hope I'm doing this right. Just wanted to let you know we are still out here praying.
Bobbi Khant

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill & Nancy,

Great News! Keep it coming. Bill will be playing Santa to those grandchildren in a few weeks. Hang in there and remember we are all pulling for you.

Mary Jo

Anonymous said...

Hoping that the SEC Championship game hastens your recovery.
Just good that the Vols are in it this year.
Here's hoping for really good news from your sisters.
Keep up the good work.
The Connors

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news... The answer to prayer, it is humbling..Look forward to more good news.
Love Pat

Anonymous said...

An early Christmas present- your brain is back to normal. Our prayers are slowly being answered.

Let's hope that December 6th brings even better news.

Thinking of you often and praying always.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo!!! No brain cancer!!! Reading the good news was such a great start to the day. Keep up the good work, Bill (and of course, Nancy!). I'd write more, but Thing 1 and Thing 2 are getting into trouble.... Take care!

- Janet and John

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good fight. God is Great! Day by day...cancer free. Hoping and praying for the best in December.
Love you and Praying Often,

Anonymous said...

Life is wonderful, isn't it! A brain! You have a brain! What good news! So glad things remain so positive - basic good health and prayers work wonders.

Love, prayers, and good health!

Anonymous said...

All of these comments about having a brain....

Just look at the pictures. Bill's brain has grown right up through his hair!!!

Glad you're doing so much better -- much in my thoughts and prayers.

God Bless

Tom M

Anonymous said...

Great news!! Prayers do and will get answered!!

Shannon, Shawni and Noah Eaker

Anonymous said...

Well, we're a bit late in checking in but thrilled to see the good news!! Stay positive, Bill. All those prayers must be doing some good......

Karen & Brian

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill,
We noticed in church this morning that the choir kept your seat're irreplaceble so take care and we promise to keep praying for you.
Ruth and Bob