Bill's Friends and Family

Friday, February 15, 2008

February 15th- A little improvement

And we will take a little improvement. His white cells have improved on Thurs and Fri just 200 points, but at least they are on the way up. Red cells and platelets are hanging in there. This was a big day for Bill at the cancer clinic. He had the bone marrow biopsy, an injection of chemo into his spinal fluid, and platelets. He broke out in hives while receiving the platelets, and of course, I caught it happening. The nurses think I’m overprotective when I watch him constantly when he receives platelets, but now they know why. He came home and slept for 3 hours.
I will know by Tuesday the results of the bone marrow biopsy, and maybe what our next step will be. (Or at least an appointment date to talk about the next step). Remember, Bill has to be in remission and in good health to even do a bone marrow transplant.
Janine, Don and Maggie come to visit this weekend. Hopefully they will bring a smile to Bill’s face.
Thank you for your prayers and support. He seemed to turn the corner on Thursday. “Coincidence I think not.”


Anonymous said...

The power of prayer is unexplainable. I am sure that Maggie's face will be the best medicine for Grandpap. We grandparents get strength from those little innocent cherubs. Little do they know how very important they are to us.

Sometimes we just have to wait for good things to happen - and wait we will. I will take the step one in improvement with a smile on my face!

Love, prayers, and good health,

Anonymous said...

A grandnchld's smile is the best medicine. I'm sure you can use a few smiles yourself.

We have been patiently praying often each day for some news. The power of prayer is helping all of us.

Praying often,
Paula and Jim

Anonymous said...

As John often says, "It's never easy". At least the company of family always makes difficult times seem better! Have a wonderful weekend with everyone. We hope your numbers go up even more! Go Bill go!!!

Janet and John

Anonymous said...

Bill and Nancy,
We continue to be with you in prayer, hoping for good results on Tuesday. As our scripture in church today told us, "Nothing can separate us from God's love", not even leukemia. Hold on to God's love as I know you have been doing, and we pray He provides strength for each new day for your family.
Many Blessings,
Julie Schlegel

Anonymous said...

Nancy, You and Bill are in my thoughts. Love, Marilyn and family

Anonymous said...

We send our prayers up and our hope and love to you both.
Tom and Sherry in WV

Anonymous said...

Glad for some good news. Have a great weekend with the kids and grandkids. Think of both of you every day.
Love you both,
Becky and David