Bill's Friends and Family

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

February 19th- Hills and Valleys

We are back down in a valley. Bill did not get good results on his bone marrow biopsy. His bone marrow was 45% Leukemic blasts. We are now working on the next step. We are gathering information on a clinical trial at Northwestern University Medical Center that might accept him. Bill needs to decide if he wants to be involved with this study or just stay at home. As we pray and work through these options we know you will support us.


Anonymous said...

Life is full of hills and valleys - and all we can do is ask God to guide us on the path. And that is what I will continue to do. You know, Bill is a Valley Boy - and he more than most understands those hills and valleys.

God will show us our path. And gives us Family and Friends to help us.

Think of you always - praying as often.

Love, prayers, and good health,
Gail, Marty, and Mom

Anonymous said...

I was disappointed to hear that the bone marrow results didn't turn out as hoped. Still, when you're in a valley, there's nowhere to go but up! I hope the hills come quickly. Please let me know if there's anything you might need or anything I can do to help.

- Janet and John

Anonymous said...

We are always thinking of you. There is always hope and prayers. Keep spirits high and stay tough.

We love you and are always thinking of you,
Brian & E.B.

Anonymous said...

"Valley Boy"
You are always in our thoughts and prayers these days.

We must never give up hope that with God's help, He will guide you out of the valley and up the hill.

Praying often,
Paula and Jim

Unknown said...

Nancy and Bill - you have climed hills all of your life - this is just another one!!!!
Hang in there ~
Out thoughts and prayers are for you

Don and Shelley

Lynn said...

As always, you are in our hearts and in our prayers. God will lead you through this valley and out to the other side. You have many people praying for you and that along with your faith will guide you in choosing your next treatment step. Love, Lynn and Lake

Anonymous said...

Whatever step you choose to take, I will be praying that it will be the right path to a healing process. I know you are both very up to date on all of this and maybe God will perform a miracle. Those grandbabies are so precious. I know spending the weekend with Maggie helped to boost the spirits at the Huber's house.

Love to all of you,
Mary Jo

Anonymous said...

God be with you. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Tom and Susan

Anonymous said...

God will help you in your valley and soon give you a hill. Though last night was a special night. Bill the choir was standing up in front of the church practicing and I saw you come in church and you put a smile of my day and a thankful heart that God made it possible for you to come to the healing service. You made my day. I know it wasn't easy, but thanks for putting a smile on my face. You are special and God put his healing power to work last night. The prayer at the end of the service is so appropriate Almighty God, we pray that our brothers and sisters may be comforted in their suffering and made whole. Whey they are afraid give them courage; when they feel weak, grant them your strength; whey they are afflicted, afford them patience; when they are lost, offer them hope; whey they are alone, move us to their side. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. AMEN. God bless you Bill and Nancy Gail

Anonymous said...

Bill knows a good hill when he sees one, he has been in the coal business his whole life. We have no doubt that this one can be overcome as well. Ofcourse, God needs to BlAST those cells out of his body with his healing power. We will continue to pray.
Love, George and Janet

Anonymous said...

Bill and Nancy,

I pray your next steps will get you to where you need to be. Know that we think of you everyday and pray you will have the continued strength to see you through.

Love, Karen & Brain

Anonymous said...

We are praying loudly and often just in case our voices are lost in the hills and valleys.

All our love is with you.
Kay & Barney

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear that the bone marrow results were not what we had all hoped for. I know it's hard for you to all stay positive, but keep trying. You both are the most positive people I know. Please Know we never stop caring and praying.
On a lighter note, Marge found out yesterday that she is having a boy..
so after 3 girls, I'll have to try and remember what to do with a little boy. Andrew make me want one just as darling as he is.
Love you both,

Dee said...

Bill and Nancy,

God be your strength, bless you. We keep you in our thoughts and prayers.


Mike said...


If this hill were one full of coal, would your goal be to dig down deep? strip away what is between you and the coal? punch holes in it (I believe this would be a comparison to the auger method!) or would it be more worthwhile to figure out another method or find another hill?
I can imagine a clinical trial might be a daunting prospect. At the same time, if it offers some chance of healing...some chance is still a good thing. Whatever your decision, my prayers are with you every day.

As always,
Jill, your fellow former Londonite

Anonymous said...

Our love and prayers are with you where ever you are--up or down.
Ann and Jim Reego