Bill's Friends and Family

Saturday, February 23, 2008

February 23- What's next?

Bill is doing so well….considering. Bill is not in any pain, nor is he on oxygen. Just so you know, at this time he does not read the blog. I, on the other hand, try to check it twice a day, and thank you for your loving thoughts and endless prayers. You give me strength.

The Northwestern clinical trail is closed. That means the pharmaceutical company has pulled the drug, and stopped the testing.
Our doctor directed us to a clinical trial at the University of Chicago Cancer Center that is specifically for leukemia patients. We have an appointment on Wednesday with the doctors there and they will determine if Bill is a candidate. Time is of the essence.
Jon and Laura are here this weekend. It will be wonderful to have their support and to just be with them.
Nurse Nancy is lifting all isolation rules for Bill. He is still Neutropenic (susceptible to infection). If you are not sick, please come by. He is slowly recovering from the last chemotherapy treatment in early January, but the leukemia is taking over his body. Come sooner rather than later if you want to visit.
Love you all. We are now praying for that miracle.

Letty and Steve sent a card with these words:
May you have strength at your backdoor, so you have it when you need it…
May you have courage in your pocket so you know where to find it…
And, always, may you have hope in your heart, so you never misplace it.


Anonymous said...

Nancy & Bill,

You both are in our constant thoughts and prayers - ALL of you are. Please give Bill a hug for us. Wish we were close enough to visit. But we hold you close to our hearts.

Peace, grace and love,
Marlon and Jennifer

Unknown said...


Thinking about you all constantly. Hoping our strength and prayers help you. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” Bill has an indomitable will and I am praying it wins the day. Love to you all.


John Wesley said...

It has been twelve years since we had the joy of sharing life with your family at First Christian in London. I still remember the infusion of new life you brought to us when you joined the church and immediately began to take part. You brought more than a good voice, more than a person who understood finances and what it took to make a church function. You brought this wonderful smile, this "can do" spirit that was infectious. It spread to others, and helped make the last few years of ministry in London a great joy for us.
For the last few months Susan and I have been reconnected through your blog to you life. We have accommandied the ups and downs you have faced with our prayers and our tears. We have longed for life to be defined differently for you.
With all the struggle we've observed from a distance, one thing still appears to be the same about your lives, both of you. You still bring people together. You still remind us of the power of love. You still infuse faith and hope in us.
I believe it was Paul who said, "Faith, hope, love, these three abide. But the greatest of these is love." God be with you and bless you.

Anonymous said...

Our strength is found through God, family and friends, and you have an abundance of all three. We all pray for both of you daily - and the path that God has and will set forth for you. We are here to hold your hands, to support you through the smooth and bumpy paths. (Hey, make sure you tell Bill that Paula still likes "smooooooooth" glasses, not "bumpy" ones! That should bring a smile to his face!)

We keep praying - and look for guidance for the "next step"

Love, prayers, and good health,
Gail, Marty, and Mom

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for that miracle right along with you. Please know that you are never alone - HE is always with you both and you have a host of blog friends who are praying, praying and praying some more.

God Bless you all,
Dori in AZ

Anonymous said...

HUGS and KISSES for everyone there. We love you guys.
David And Becky Eaker

Anonymous said...

Keep your spirits high and give Uncle Bill all our love and strength. There isn't a minute that goes by that we are thinking of you all.

Lots of love and prayers,
E.B. & Brian

Anonymous said...

Dearest Bill and Nancy,

You both are being lifted to God on high for continued hope and strength. God has a plan and purpose for you even in these most difficult times. Faith is for the lowest of valleys, to carry us through..Hang on!! May the prayers of so many sustain you and the peace that only Christ can give fill your hearts and minds.

Judy Shotts

Anonymous said...

Mark was so glad to talk to you both last week. We are coming on the 5th of March with the Userys and Wicks, Oh Nancy, I am almost out of ways to tell you and Bill how much you mean to us, and what wonderful, steadfast friends you are. I miss our daily London talks, there has never been another Nancy, in my life.. makes you pretty special. I am so glad the kids are there so much. I look forward to seeing you both, wish with all my heart I could do more.
See you soon, Love Pat

Anonymous said...


We are praying for a miracle.

We are praying for God's strength and peace for all of you at this most difficult time.

God bless you,
Tom and Susan

Anonymous said...

David and I so wish we were there with you. You know without words what we are thinking. Miracles happen every day. We love you both.

Anonymous said...

We love you Bill!!!

Shannon, Shawni and Noah

Judy said...

We wish you here with us! We all have you in our thoughts and prayers!

Judy and John, Shirl and Tom, Jim and Mary Lou, and Ginny

Lynn said...

We are praying that Bill will experience a miracle. Remember that God gives us many gifts and "the greatest is love". I hope you feel the love from your many friends who visit this blog to check on Bill (and you) regularly. Hang in there. Love, Lynn and Lake

Anonymous said...

You and Bill are in my prayers each day. I'm praying for that miracle too, which I know can happen. Greg and I will be by to visit soon.

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you and praying for you often. Hang in there big brother; need you to grow old with.

Tom M