Bill's Friends and Family

Friday, January 11, 2008

January 11- One Step Closer

We have a donor!!!
Out of the three potential donors, a 26 year old male has stepped forward. He is a 9 out of 10 match. This means his HLA (human leukocyte antigen) typing is a close match. Plus, being male, and young. and hopefully healthy, are all a plus. We don’t know anything else about him at this time, but when we do, we will let you all get to know him.

A second donor has come forward and the hospital just received his/her blood sample. So we might know more next week.

The third potential donor has not been located.
The hospital has also placed on hold 3 cord blood units that will work for Bill. Seattle Cancer Center in 2007 had outstanding success with clinical trials using cord blood units. This also might be an option.

Everyday Bill’s HLA typing is entered in the National Marrow Donor Program search, and each month over 25,000 new donor names are added. We may have choices before the process is finished.

Our daughter Janine, who is on the donor list, said, “I hope my HLA is a match for someone. I would want to make another family feel as happy as I do right now”.

Our prayers: Thank you Lord for people who are willing to give the gift of “life” to a stranger.

Other exciting news: Jon and Laura have just announced that she is pregnant!!!! Our next grandbaby is due in July.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for the Huber Family today. For some reason, I checked the website this morning at 4:30 AM upon coming home from work. I just had a feeling that some good news could be in the making and is it ever!! A double dose with John and Laura being pregnant and Bill having a donor. What more can one ask for? I'm sure this has to be one of the better days of your life. Hang in there and keep us posted. You're right, God still works miracles.

Mary Jo

Anonymous said...

God is Great. May Good News keep coming. Hope Uncle Bill is feeling good. Thinking of you often.

Love Always,
E.b. & Brian

Congrats to Jon & Laura...the Huber family is growing!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll be surprised if you didn't hear me shout "Praise God" a few minutes ago when I checked your website. What a blessing to have such wonderful news to start my day. Now I get the added pleasure of sharing the news with all our friends. Love, Jan

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! God is great. Miracles do happen. Bill you will beat this!!! Congratulations on another grandchild, I just love the pictures of the little ones on the blog, they are so cute. This has to be one of your great days. Hang in and looking forward to hearing more and more good news. (also I finally got brave and wrote on your comment thing, this is new to me and glad to hear the good news)

Anonymous said...

Good things come to those who wait! The New Year is truly a New Year! Hope everything proceeds without a hitch - and life returns to "typical" soon!
So happy for Jon and Laura - parenthood according to Jon will be an adventure! God does work in mysterious ways!
Keep us posted - love all the good news!

Love, prayers, and good health,

Anonymous said...

I just gave mom a copy of the blog - and she is grinnng from ear to ear. You did good giving a 93-year-old a wonderful birthday present!


Anonymous said...

Can't think of another thing to say that hasn't been said..........It's a good day!!!!!
Love, Karen & Brian

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO!!! I am so very happy for both of you! Even when you know that something will happen, it's a relief when it finally *does* happen. And congratulations to Jon and Laura as well! It looks like your family is growing by leaps and bounds. Are you thinking about #2 yet, Jeanine? (Just joking!)

What wonderful, wonderful news! The road is bumpy, but at least there's a road! Congratulations again, Bill and Nancy.

With all our love,
Janet and John

Anonymous said...

David Eaker

Anonymous said...

Three cheers on the news of a donor. Our prayers are being answered.

I am trying to imagine Jon as a daddy!!!

Take care,
Love and many more prayers,

Anonymous said...

Just read the great news...AWESOME.This is the best email message we have received in a long time. God works miracles in his time frame. Our hearts and prayers are with you.

Tom and Sherry in Beckley

Anonymous said...

Prayers do get answered! We are soo happy for you!

Shannon, Shawni and Noah

Anonymous said...

It was so good talking with you. And, so GREAT hearing all your good news..........oh, so good. New baby, a wonderful donor (or two).....maybe new hair?????? Never can tell. We are so happy for you. Guess that means you'll skip Texas and head out west? Get plenty of rest and you'll soom be running after Maggie and Andrew.
Such good news. Dave and Judy

Anonymous said...

Sounds like lots of good news!! Congrats on being grandparents again. I am thrilled you found a donor and possibly two more. I hadn't checked your blog in a while so it was great to see such wonderful news.

Hang in there!

Barbara Landholt

Anonymous said...

We just got back from a trip so I haven't checked the blog for a while. What a great surprise to see your good news.A donor and a new grandchild on the way. It doesn't get much better than that! Congratulations!

We are always thinking of you both.


Pam and Jeff

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news! I could see the smile on your faces through your words! God has answered prayers and is still close to get you through to the time that Bill is well and cancer free!
Congratulations to Jon and Laura! Babies have a way of curing whatever "ails " you!
Happy days ahead for the Hubers!
Love to all,
Ann and Jim Reego