Bill's Friends and Family

Thursday, January 31, 2008

January 31st- The Waiting Game

Bill is still in the hospital, just waiting for his bone marrow to make white cells. He has had 15 Neupogen shots in his tummy over 15 days and his white cell count is still below 600. His ANC is still zero. He hasn’t had a fever for days, and walks the halls about 3 times a day. He is so ready to come home, but not yet. He has been in the hospital since Jan 13th. The doctors are pleased with the improvement in his health this week and say we just have to wait.
I’ve contacted our bone marrow coordinator at Loyola and told her we are ready to proceed. She said Bill needs to be in remission and will need to come in for more testing, ie: EKG, x-rays, and an evaluation to decide if he is healthy enough to endure the bone marrow transplant and full body radiation.
She mentioned that the second donor was also a 9 out of 10 antigen match, but was 48 years old. They would prefer the 26 year old as their first choice. She said this man may be from the USA or an International donor. Even if she knew, she could not tell me. The preparation for the transplant takes about 2 more months.
We have rescheduled our Seattle trip for Feb 11th. If Bill’s health is good, we will still go to just check it out and get their opinion. This way we will have a backup if something falls through here, or have future options for a second transplant down the road. At this time, we just need to move things along.
Our prayers today are to give Bill’s body the strength to make the good white cells that will make his bone marrow complete. I know your prayers will help. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Prayers for a return of Bills good health and your well being go up daily from the Eaker place. Thanks for keeping us informed. I will call Bill today and see if he is up to talking.

Anonymous said...

Bill and Nancy, You will be so missed at the Questor Super Bowl Party. How about we pray that your blood counts go up along with every score Bill? Of course that means we want a high scoring game! When you are finally really well and strong, I promise we'll have a Questor celebration that "pales" all previous ones. Good Bless! Jan & Bill

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill & Nancy,
Hang in there, I will pray for the bone marrow to kick it up many notches. I so remember waiting for those counts to rise with Tom, it just doesn't happen as fast as we want it to. Keep walking those halls Bill, it helps! Keeping you in constant prayer, Blessings,
Julie Schlegel

Anonymous said...

Good things come to those who wait! Patience is a virtue! Can't think of any more pearly words of wisdom, so will leave it at that. So glad you are walking the halls - remind you of High School days? I do want to know, though, can you walk and talk at the same time? Now that's a accomplishment!

Keep those spirits up, eat that wonderful food, and before you know it you will be home resting and recuperating like you should!

Love, prayers, and good health,

Anonymous said...

Bill, if you have to be stuck indoors, now is a good time since you wouldn't want to be in all that wintery slush anyway! Maybe your hospital floor can have their own Super Bowl party?

I hope your white blood count rises a little more every day and that you're able to get plenty of rest. Slowly but surely does the trick.

Nancy, take care and remember to get some rest for yourself too!

- Janet and John

Anonymous said...

Bil's counts are starting to go up. Let's see what happens on Sunday. I knew your prayers would help.

Anonymous said...

Bill.........hoping to hear that your white cell count is rising. When you are well, we will all decend on Jeff and Pam in Arizona. We just got back and although it was cool, it was delightful. In fact, we'll have to plan our next "Weekend at Bernie's" in Arizona.
Cortabella's golf course is beautiful and since Jeff gets to play all the time now, we'll make him give you extra strokes. After all, you haven't been able to play for a while......... it's only fair! :-) Whenever you're ready.........ok?

You are in our prayers always.....
Brian and Karen

Anonymous said...

We will pray for good health, good rest, and good weather!
Love you, Ann an Jim Reego