Bill's Friends and Family

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

January 16th- Back in the hospital

Bill is back in the hospital. He has a neutropenic fever, which means, without white cells, a fever is the only way to fight even the smallest infection. We went to the hospital on Sunday morning, and by Tuesday the fever was under control. There does not appear to be any serious cause to the fever, but never the less, he must remain in the hospital until his white cell count and ANC (Absolute Neutrogen Count) have recovered. This count is a reading of the good white cells in your blood. Bill will be in the hospital for 10-14 days. (Bummer, we like it better when he is home.) At the moment, Bill does not feel up to phone calls. Sleep is the best medicine.

We have no new news on the donor situation. A bone marrow transplant is a slow process of coordination of donor, hospital, doctors, and Bill’s health. As Carol, a friend from Kentucky said. When we all get really frustrated with God because things aren’t happening…..we need to pray a little louder.

On a lighter note….Bill will be celebrating his 59th birthday on Monday, January 21st. He will still be in the hospital. If you would like to send a greeting by a blog message, e-mail, or card,I take the computer to the hospital everyday.

Bless you all for walking this walk with us. It is truly “hills and valleys” We all rejoice on the hill tops, and your support makes the valleys bearable.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that Bill has had to be hospitalized again. Nancy, you are doing a fantastic job with all your medical terms in keeping us posted. Tell Bill to keep climbing for another "hill top." I know this has to be so frustrating for all but be happy he is being watched closely and able to get the care he needs right away. Surely God will bring you out of this valley soon.

Love to all of you,
Mary Jo

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that the fever is under control now even though the trade off is that Bill has to stay in the hospital for the next 2 weeks. As long as he's stable! Hang in there Nancy and Bill! Every day brings you one day closer to your goal, the bone marrow transplant. Please let me know if there's anything I can help with.

Thinking of you,
Janet and John

Anonymous said...

Bill and Nancy

While we haven't been commenting on your blog, Jan and I have tried to keep upto date and pray for you often.

If there is anything we can do please let us know.

Bill keep up your spirits and when you are ready for company please let us know.


Scott, Jan & Katelyn

Anonymous said...

Good thing is you get to have a rest before your adventure in Seattle! Timing is everything! Bad news is, the birthday party is off - or a little less exciting anyway! I'm sure there will be a celebration - Nancy won't let this one go by unnoticed.

So glad the fever is gone - now to recuperate and get back to yourself again - like you've been someone else?

Keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Love, prayers, and good health,

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about this setback. In fact, I think it stinks! I would use another term but I try my best to be polite. :-)
I liked your analogy of the hills and made me think that to get to the hilltops, we have to climb up from the small step at a time. I also liked the comment about praying a little louder. Knowing what the Eichers have been through, I wondered if that was the Carol. I miss London!
You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Take care of each other,

Your former fellow bell ringer

Anonymous said...

Glad the fever is gone. I plan to scream tonight when I pray. Sorry you'll be in the hospital for so long. maybe if you are good they will let you out for a good blood count.

I'm sure that Nancy will let you have a Happy 59!

Take care and praying often,

Dee said...

Boy, your hills and valleys are certainly pronounced. It's God's way of physically giving you hope when he can't speak. A donor(s) and a new grand child! What blessings.

Bill, happy 59th birthday. Rest as much as you can and get better. We're praying for you.

Nancy, you rest, too, you'll need your strength helping Bill climb out of this valley. You'll both get up the hill again.

Take care.


Mickey Hornack said...

Hey Huber's, Hope that Bill is doing better as you read this. I have checked with my cardiologist and my neurocardiologist(stroke guy) and am a go as far as bone marrow tests. I need to know if you would want me to continue. Bill is going to be 59 and my next is 62 collecting SS thereafter. My wife and I are with you all the way so stay real and hope is eternal. ps Pitt hoopers are tough maybe a UT vs Pitt down the line.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Bill and Nancy,
Thinking of you both and praying really loud. Love to all. Those grandbabies are precious.

Anonymous said...

Loud never has been a problem for me! I will turn it up!
Love to all, Ann (and Jim) Reego

Anonymous said...

Hope the hospital staff is treating you well. Hopefully that fever is still down. Thinking of you alot. As a nurse always says...Wash your hands!

Love Always,
Praying Louder,

Anonymous said...

Nancy and Bill!

Every day brings you one day closer to the bone marrow transplant! Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you!
Bill......get ready to blow out those candles!! Happy Birthday!

Blessings and much care,
Ric and Jan