Bill's Friends and Family

Friday, November 16, 2007

November 15th- Another day, Another chemo injection

We were back to the Cancer Clinic at Loyola today for Bill’s 6th injection of MTX into his Ommaya Reservoir. He does great with this injection, no side effects. The doctor said Bill looks great, considering the chemo regiment he endured last week. It is wonderful to hear to doctor say “You look great” when you are wondering how you are doing and just what is “great”.
Bill’s white cell count is way down. It is 200. The lowest it has ever been. So, no visitors are permitted past Nurse Nancy. His platelets (12,000) and hemoglobin (7.6) are also low. He will receive platelets and red cells at home on Saturday from the Home Health Care nurse. Bill is feeling okay, and enjoys your phone calls. As much as we would enjoy seeing everyone, Bill cannot have visitors at this time.
We are anxiously awaiting the results of the blood tests of Bill’s two sisters to see if there might be a bone marrow match. All future plans for chemotherapy treatments and bone marrow transplant will be influenced by those results. He will continue to have the MTX shot on a weekly basis until he has a BMT.
You know what our prayers are this week. We need someone to be a bone marrow match. And if one of his sisters is a match, it will be so much easier on Bill. Amen.
(And I know if his mom at 92 years old could have another child, she would do that for Bill. Love to hear your comments on that one.)


Anonymous said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that one of Bill's sisters is a match. Good thing you're on such good terms with your sisters! :)

Bill, you look very dapper, even when getting an injection in your head! How do you do it???

Waiting is always hard; I'm thinking of you every day and hope that your strength continues.

Take care,
Janet and John

Anonymous said...

Aside from the benefits to Bill, think of the history you'd make, if his mother had a child.
We're praying for a bone marrow match. Meanwhile, let's hope our football teams win this weekend. At least it keeps our minds occupied. Go Vols (and Buckeyes).
Jim and Kathy

Mickey Hornack said...

Hey folks, Bill I hope the match comes thru just the way it should. i appreciate the blog news and I would like to talk but will wait till things are better.

Anonymous said...

For once in my life I really feel important! "The Sisters" are planning to go to their local vampires, i.e. hospitals, on Monday with their "magic kits" to give the blood everyone is anxiously awaiting. With God's help, one of us will hear, "It's a match" and will be able to give the greatest prize of all!
Love the picture - does that add a few brain cells in the process? If so, I need one of those - I have that CRS syndrome!
Well, hope one of us passes the test on Monday - you know we Hubers have always been overachievers!!

Love, prayers, and good health!

Anonymous said...

Well, you know we will be praying for a match with one of your sisters. We've been thinking about you both every day. Hope you get good news, and don't have to wait long for it. We'll give a call soon.

Kathy and Rick

Janine Garner said...

Dad -
Having leukemia never looked so good!
I'm glad to hear you had a pretty good week.
We miss you and can't wait to see you (hopefully soon). Maggie needs some Grandpap time!
She has started "dancing" when she hears music and she can't wait to show you her moves!
Love to you both -
PS... thanks to all those who have donated to the Leukemia Research Foundation in Dad's name. It warms my heart to see that total on the 'badge' climb!

Anonymous said...

From what I know of Bill's mother, she would if she could!!! I do pray that one of his sisters is a match. The getting an injection in your heard seem a bit creppy to me.. You are a trooper. Please know we would be there if it were possible. Thinking of you always.
Love Pat

Anonymous said...

Uncle Bill you look great. Keep up the good work...let that lab work climb.
We all will be crossing our fingers and praying hard for that bone marrow match.
Pretty cool picture, amazing!
Lots of Love and Prayer,

Anonymous said...

Well, my "magic kit" is ready and I will be at my local "vampire" at 7am EST Monday Morning.

Brother dear, if I am the match-- You could become left handed.....(we won't go there)

Take care and thinking of you.
Praying often

Anonymous said...

What a blessing all of you are! Your humor, hope and faith keep all of us encouraged! Of course, what did we expect from the Hubers? We will say a special prayer in the morning for the sister act. This sibling rivalry case is definitely a "win-win'!
Love to all...Ann and Jim Reego

Tom M said...

You have been in my prayers since the beginning. Apologetically, I confess that as the news was so good toward the end of September, I kept less track of your progress, so this morning as I checked in once again, I was surprised by the changes that had taken place.

But, wow was I impressed!!!

What a terrific family you have, and what a God-given tower of strength is Nancy. (Actually, I have always known that....) And your kids, you never know how strong people are until they are put to the test, and I would say this has certainly been "the test" for everyone, and what a blessing it must be to you to see the strenght they all have, that you had no small measure in designing into the fabric of their character and lives.

Several years ago I heard a pastor from Florida talking about his ministry to the many folks he had pastored over the years with cancer -- like yourself, good Christians. He was plagued with the "why". I'll never forget his answer: "To show non-Christians how to suffer."

The evidence of God's presence is the obvious joy surrounding you in your "suffering". This is not giddiness, but the lack of woe in all the blogs, the upbeat anticipation of the next step, the Hope, and the constant acknowledgement that God is in control of all the events.

You, and the wonderful family you and Nancy have together wrought, are such an inspiration and witness to those of us weaker folks. In your physical weakness, you are a tower of strength and courage.

With the greatest of affection and love,