Bill's Friends and Family

Sunday, January 27, 2008

January 27th- Bone Marrow Drive at Church

The Bone Marrow Drive at Grace United Methodist Church, in honor of Bill, was very successful. I wish he could have been there with me, to personally thank the members of Grace UMC who are willing to make the commitment of their bone marrow to save another. There were also other members who supported the program with cash donations to help pay for the testing for those who could not. It was Pastor Bob Atkins and our Parish Nurse, Pam Riley, who organized the drive with LifeSource Blood Bank.
I don’t have an exact count yet, but it looked like there were close to 50 envelopes with DNA samples ready to go to the labs. Wouldn’t it be the intervention of God if one of these samples was a match for an adult or child, and this was the drive that was needed to find that match. Amen

Concerning Bill: His blood work has been up….then down… and now going back up. But in baby steps. Each day is a new adventure. He is very weak and I can’t wait to get him home and fatten him up and let him sleep all day and night. Today begins his third week in the hospital. The latest results of spinal fluid testing done on Thursday show no Leukemic blasts. Amen. The latest brain MRI done on Thursday looked very good to me. (The doctors roll a COW- computer on wheels- into the room, and we get to review all tests.) But, I’m not a doctor, so I’ll hear what they have to say on Monday.

God was with us today.
It “just happened” that a young man visited our church today because his friend’s girlfriend wanted to hear our amazing choir perform before she left town. He had a bone marrow transplant done at Loyola University Medical Center 6 years ago. He had an Ommaya Reservoir in his head, like Bill. He was a survivor and pleased with his treatment at Loyola. So, is this a sign from above that I should listen to?
This has been a very humbling day for us. We appreciate the support of our church family. Bless you all.


Anonymous said...

It's so wonderful to see a community help in any way possible. God does work in mysterious ways. Signs are everywhere, whether we want to listen to them or not. I have all the faith in the world that Uncle Bill will find the right spot for the transplant. A nurses job is never done. You are doing a great job, Aunt Nancy.
May God bless you and be with you and help Uncle Bill get home.

Love you and Praying Always,

Anonymous said...

How wonderful that your "church family" was so supportive.

Hopefully our prayers will be answered soon that you, Bill, will gain the necessary strength.

Nancy keep up your strength so you can be the caregiver once Bill is home. Those grandkids need some "pappy time."

Love and Praying often,

Anonymous said...

What an inspiring weekend you must have had! This is great support for you to be able to hear about the successful transplant at Loyola. This would be so much closer for you and the family to be able to be within an hour of your home. Keep up the good work Bill and know that I am thinking of you around the clock. Nancy, stay strong because as Maggie shows us, she is getting big. You will probably need a referee shirt and whistle when Andrew and Maggie visit together. heh

Mary Jo

Anonymous said...

It is heartwarming to see how your church community rallied for Bill's cause. A lot of days, it's easy to think cynically and to think the worst of people. Reading about the bone marrow drive was a real upper!

I hope that Bill's number continues to improve, and Nancy, I hope that your strength continues. Bill is lucky to have a rock like you to lean on.

Take care, both of you!

Janet and John

Anonymous said...

Dear Bill & Nancy, I couldn't help but tear up when I read about the young man who had the transplant. Isn't it marvelous how God sends us encouragement when we MOST need it. We pray today that Bill will know he is getting stronger - even if it is only by a tiny bit. Afterall, our God is the God of the infinitesimal, as well as the infinite! Praise Him! Bill & Jan

Anonymous said...

God sends His love a guidance in all forms. You will know what's right by how it "feels". How lucky you are to have the love of your church to help at this time. Cherish is a precious thing.
We continue to hold you in our prayers. Kiss and hug each other for us.
Love, Ann and Jim