Bill's Friends and Family

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Can someone clone Mom???

Hello... Jon here, back by (un)popular demand. Mom asked me to write the blog today, so here goes.

As to be expected, Dad likes being at home much better than at the hospital. He can sleep with minimal interruptions, has a full selection of basic cable channels to choose from, and the food is much better (thanks to Mom, Questors, and the Church Choir). While I'm thanking people, thanks to the Meadors for my ride to and from the airport... and a 'future shout-out' to the Atkins, Duffs, Shotts, and Seidlitzs (Seidlitz-es???, never covered that in English class).

As for visitors, I've learned two important rules. First, use hand sanitizer immediately... otherwise Mom forgets to ask. Second, hugs are better than hand shakes. At this point, it's all about the germs. Everyone, including me, has broken these rules... and Mom forgets about the enforcement. It's the New World Order, and I know you understand.

Mom continues to stay busy with phone calls to Health Care Groups and Insurance Companies, as well as the stack of paperwork... oh... and Dad needs attention, too.


Anonymous said...

Hey there Nurse have a great blog writer today. Jon, you are passing along important info that we all know but all forget. I so agree that HUGS are always beter than a ANY situation! Maybe a note on the door regarding hand sanitizer and any visitor suggestions would be an easy way to get the info out.

Happy to hear Bill is once again in charge of the remote and King of his castle! We'll be by for a quick visit in the next few days....
HUGS, Karen

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of Andrew, he is headed for a future in basketball, hopefully on U of M team. I am glad things are going so well at home.. Wish I was there to give a hug, just imagine. We love you, Pat

Anonymous said...

Bill and Nancy's home was always full of love and compassion. George remembers the nights he sleep on the sofa with all the kids running around. They grew-up to be great adults. We had no doubt they would. We are still talking to God on a daily bases asking for his blessing on your family. You are always in our thoughts. Love, Janet and George

Anonymous said...

You are a good Man Jon, I don't care what your mother or anyone else says. My best to Bill and Nance. Jut got back from a short trip to the beach and no one locked the keys in the car with the car running. Remember that trip?
David Eaker

Anonymous said...

Hugs from me. Jon and Laura, I know your parents LOVE having you guys around. Laura, would love to see your tummy now. Probably a size 6 instead of 4. So glad Bill can relax and enjoy being home instead of the hospital. Thanks for the updated pictures of everyone.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

"Life according to Jon" always brings a smile to my face! Hugs and Hand Sanitizer for the Hubers - I will put them high on the list for next weekend. The H's have it!!

Can't wait for our visit. Home is a wonderful place.

Love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

I know that everyone is happier at home and in the loving care of family. Good work, Jon. Love to all.
Our prayers are with you.
Ann and Jim Reego

Anonymous said...

Jon, your "special" words of wisdom were good for all of us. I will bring an extra supply of hand sanitizer next week when we come along with plenty of hugs.

I'm sure EB will give us plenty of healthy info about germs on our flight to Chicago.

Thinking of all of you and praying often.