Bill's Friends and Family

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sept 17- Be Careful What You Wish For

Be Careful What You Wish For

Bill finally got his Private Room (for at least the next 2 days). But, it is to keep him away from others, not just others away from him. The doctors are doing a stool culture on Bill because they suspect a contagious bacteria. Nurses weren’t talking last night, so I hope to get more info today. It takes 2 days to run the culture and know if there is a problem.

Bill has not had a fever for 2 days. Amen. Thank you for your prayers. They were answered. When he is free of fever, he eats three meals, and even wanted cookies in between meals.

His white cell count is holding at 300. His red cells (7.6) and platelets (13,000) were again low, so on Sunday he received both red cells and platelets. Once again, the platelets were one donor, A Positive, and a large “fresh” bag about 8-10 units. He never really perked up after the packed red cell IV. Guess the Bears game zapped him of his energy.

We pray that Bill, through medications, will be able to fight this new bacteria.
Please pray for me, I am getting tired, and we have a long road ahead of us.


Anonymous said...

Bill & Nancy
Three steps forward, one tep back......isn't that the way it goes? Stay are in the best place, for now, that you can be and the Dr's. are taking the best care of you that they can. Set backs aren't easy to deal with but we are all rooting for you.
When you are better, we'll plan our "weekend at Bernies" ...... only in Arizona this time.
Brian & Karen

Anonymous said...

Bill & Nanc,
The hospital is never a good place to get better - them li'l germs are everywhere! In the same sense, I guess it is the best place to be. A word of caution - too much of a good thing (like antibiotics) is not always good.
If you are like your mom, you will pull thru this with bells on! Keep the faith - and that positive outlook. Good things do happen!

Love and Prayers,

Anonymous said...

Bill and Nancy,
Nothing like having another rough spot to get over, but we know you can do it, Bill. Just hang in there and always think positively. Nancy, you might have to pull back a little so you don't get too exhausted. Of course, I have no idea how you could do that right now. I wish we were moving closer to Chicago instead of farther away. However, we are looking forward to you guys and Karen and Brian visiting us in Arizona for "winter" golf. Now there's a happy thought for all of us!
Pam and Jeff

Anonymous said...

Uncle Bill & Aunt Nancy,
"A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds."
I won't claim that, but it's one on those quotes I picked up along the way. It reminds me to have faith, hope, and belief in oneself.
You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

Janine Garner said...

Mom & Dad -
Go check out the grandchildren blog - Maggie's got some new pictures for you to cheer you up!
Love, Janine

Anonymous said...

Hi, Guys,
What the heck!!! At least, if it is bacterial, they can treat it with more meds. Nancy, get plenty of sleep. Bill will get the best attention even if you are not there to ride herd on the nurses. It is so easy for me to spit platitudes!!! What do I know.
Things are not all bad, tho. OJ was arrested!!!
Love to both of you,

Pat luttrell said...

Bill and Nancy,
It was so great to talk to both of you this morning. Bill you sounded great,bet you could have sung to me.
Nancy , I can only imagine how hard this all is.. be sure to take care of yourself.
Until later,
Love Pat

Anonymous said...

Does this work?

Anonymous said...


This is not the first time I have tried to draft a note to you, why just tonight I had a thirty page document that I tried to send...........huh it never went, lost on the internet.

I cannot keep up with this crap too many directions.

The jist of my note was that I wanted to be the first to make some flippant remark about you losing your hair. ha, you beat me to it.

I cannot comprehend what you are going through. I trust you are in no pain, fatique I understand. Fear of the unknown I understand.

You have always been a 'half full' sort of guy and my bet is that if anyone can beat this you and your positive attitude and faith can and will.

You know our thoughts and prayers are with you and Nancy.

I know in a few years we will look back on this as just another learning experience in life. We will be playing golf again and your 'towords' will be off, but just a little. Perhaps Nancy will best you, but then you will have an excuse.

I wish you well my friend and I will try to learn this blog sh...


Anonymous said...

Bill and Nancy,
Hang in there, 2 days without a fever, make it 3. Keep that positive attitude. Nancy, hospital staff is there for a reason, go home and take a rest. It is easy for me to say that being hundreds of miles away. How about those Steelers. They were winners and so are you. Saying my prayers for you and the family


Anonymous said...

Bill and Nancy,

Just wanted to let you know we have been thinking about you both. I'm with Pete, not up on the blog sh...., but I'm learning. Saw Pete and Jeannie at the Steelers game yesterday, and Jeannie enlightened me to the fact that we could post comments. So, here I am telling you that our prayers are with you.

The faith you both have, and the positive attitudes you have both always kept will get you through this hard time.

We have had company, and no time to ourselves, for the last two weeks, but they are leaving tomorrow, so we'll give you a call.

Our love and prayers are there with you.

Kathy and Rick

Anonymous said...

Good Morning,

After such a good evening report, I hope it is a VERY good morning. If I understand the infection correctly, it's a bump in the road not a road block. Nothing that the doctors can't deal with.

Keep your positive outlook, it does matter.

Nancy and Bob