Bill's Friends and Family

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

October 2nd- Shhhh....Bill is sleeping

You guys would love Bill’s life right now.
Sleeps 10 hrs at night. Gets up for breakfast.
Takes a morning nap. Eats lunch. Opens the mail.
Takes an afternoon nap. Goes for a walk around the block (because Nurse Nancy makes him walk.)
Has dinner, watches sports. 9pm is bedtime, and the cycle begins again.

It’s really not all that bad, there is some “wake time”. And, I am glad he can sleep. His body is doing a great job making blood. Some of you have asked about his blood work.
Remember normal is the following:
White cells- 3,000-7,000 HGB- 12-18 gm/dl Platelets- 150,000-400,000

The day we left the hospital (Friday) Bill’s counts were:
White cells- 12,600 HGB- 7.9 Platelets- 50,000

Monday, a Home Health Care Nurse came to draw blood. The results:
White cells- 24,000 HGB- 11.2 Platelets- 110,000

The nurse would have come back that afternoon to give him blood if his red cells or platelets had been low. But as you can see… Bill is doing GREAT.
I was concerned about the high white cell count. But, the doctor says, the Neuprogen shots were given to increase the Neutrophil (good white cell) count, and that is hopefully the good cells multiplying to control the mutated white cells.

Wednesday morning we go back to Loyola Medical Center for his third Bone Marrow Biopsy. Those results will tell us what is happening in his bone marrow and what our next step will be. As soon as I know the results, I will send out a blog.

We pray this day for Bill/Dad to have comfort during the biopsy, and for the best results possible under the circumstances.

A verse from Exodus 33:14 " .....’My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’” says it all. Thank you Lynn for that card. Very timely.


Anonymous said...

Hope tomorrow's tests bring you grade A results. Your numbers are looking great too.( I'll get EB to explain them to me).

Saying more prayers,
Love from
your germ ridden sister

Anonymous said...

Wow, Bill, you're such an overachiever! Glad to see the numbers going up so nicely! Also glad to hear that you are able to enjoy some of this beautiful weather. Best of luck tomorrow; I'll be thinking of you and hoping everything goes well.
- Janet and John

Anonymous said...

You do have the life! that sleep thing sounds really good. You know, they say that sleep is how your body heals, so you must be getting better in record time. Will be thinking of you tomorrow - hope the tests are of the "Oh, my God, this is fantastic!" bracket!

Love, prayers, and good health,

Anonymous said...

Yea for the great numbers. Keep up the good work. Sleep is your friend. I will take naps on your behalf!! That's what friends are for. You don't have to thank me. Good luck Wed. Will be waiting for the blog.
Love to you both,

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill and Nancy
Good to keep up with the news.
Don and Tom still in Kazakhstan....were to be home tomorrow, but ya know how it goes. They plan to leave now on Monday.
Was concerned about Don's diabetic meds, but he can get them....over the counter in Almaty....if ya can just believe that.
Praying for you Bill and hoping the bone marrow BIO goes well.
Keep up with the neutros and platelets as well, ya can DO IT.
Love ya,
Shelley and Don

Anonymous said...

Nancy - This blog is terrific. Your upbeat spirit is so inspirational - Have a great trip visiting the new grandson. If you need anything from the grocery store - loaf of bread- milk - eggs please call. Marilyn

Anonymous said...

Hay Bill,
Good to hear you are making good progress. You have been in our thoughts and prayers since we have heard of your challenge. Keep up the good work and mind your nurse!
I minded mine some.
How about that grandson!

I know the Lord is taking care of you and your family.
Love, Jack Eicher