Bill's Friends and Family

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

October 3rd- Big Day at the Cancer Center

This was our first time in the Cardinal Bernadine Cancer Center. What a beautiful facility. Loyola University Medical Center is almost 60 years old. But their cancer center (a separate building) is spectacular. We kind of bypassed that building in September when we went straight to the hospital.
Bill’s bone marrow biopsy went well. Our hematologist/oncologist, Doctor Shafer, did the procedure. No results yet, you will have to wait until Friday night.
Bill’s blood counts have improved again. His red cells are “normal” at 15 and his white cells have stopped multiplying so rapidly and have lowered to 12,500. It was immediately evident that he was feeling better when he chose to walk up the steps and not take the elevator at the Cancer Center. I was pleasantly surprised.
On our way home, we pass Bill’s office. I again knew he was feeling better when he wanted to stop in and visit. We spent an hour “making the rounds”, and it was so good for his well being to see everyone. If you are reading this, and you work in Bill’s office, click onto “Comments” below and leave a message telling others how he looks and sounds. He was having such a good day. His first day outside for any length of time since August.
After the results are known from the BMB they will schedule the Consolidation round of chemo. The doctors say maybe Tuesday of next week. It will be 3 days of just one chemo drug, Cytarabine (Ara-C) every other day at the hospital, staying overnight the day of the chemo, but going home in between treatments. He will NOT be given the clinical trial drug, Mylotarg, that caused an allergic reaction.
Bill had an eventful morning. He has slept all afternoon, ate dinner, and is back in bed for the evening. I don’t know if he will even make it for the first inning of the Cubs game tonight.
It was so good to see him have a good day, and hopefully a good weekend, before the chemo starts again.

“The journey of healing is traveled one step at a time.” We are taking our “baby steps”, one step at a time. Thank you for holding us up in your prayers. Every little bit helps.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and Thank God for your recovery,Bill and to both of you on your beautiful new grandson,Andrew. What blessings!

I think of you often and keep you always in my prayers.
I love seeing the pictures of you and the family. It just doesn't seem that long ago that we were all together sharing great times.

Take care and Nancy, I know you will love your trip to see and hold little, well ,not so little , Andrew. He is a lucky little boy to have such a wonderful family.

Love to you all, Donna O.

Anonymous said...

Whew! One more test down! I'm keeping my fingers crossed, hoping for more good news! Nancy, have a great trip visiting adorable Andrew. Not that you need reminding, but be sure to take lots of pictures of Andrew and his parents! John and I will be taking a trip of our own for a conference in Vegas (without the boys!!!). Funny how you can't wait to have children, and then as soon as you have them, you can't wait to get away.... At least for a little while. :)

"Talk" to you in a few days!

- Janet and John

Anonymous said...

As a nurse would say, "Your awesome!" So great to hear that you having such great, eventful days. These types of days help to keep your spirits high.
The blood levels are awesome...probably better than most healthy individuals.
Keep up the good work.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Way to Go!!!! Keep up the good work and good numbers. Have a great trip, Nancy. Give our love to new Andrew. We need lots of pictures and info. Shelby is in a study by UT Medical Facility. I will fill you in ,Nancy, when we talk.
Love to both of you,

Anonymous said...

Such good news! It doesn't surprise me that he wanted to stop at his office - that is his other family, you know, and sometimes know him better than we do! I am so very thankful that things are going so positively. I am sure Bill is jealous that he can't go to visit his new grandson, but I know he will in time. Babies help put life in perspective - innocent and lovable! Somewhat like Bill, huh?!? LOL! Keep up the good work - Bill getting healthy, and Nancy being the admiral of the Healthy Ship!!

Love, prayers, and good health,

Anonymous said...

Great news! Visiting is always a great way to feel better. Kari sent pictures today. Her little one! is so cute. Nancy when you get there spoil Andrew rotten so Kari can get some sleep. Bill keep resting and relaxing.

I'll keep praying,
Love, Paula

Anonymous said...

Bill and Nancy,

It was good to see you both the other day. Thanks for stopping by to say 'hi'!

It's hard to comprehend the battle that Bill has faced and overcome thus far and the toll it has taken on him, but it was good to see that he seems destined to get through it and that he's recovering just fine. It was good to joke around with him again, and I know we all look forward to the next surprise visit!

All the best,