Bill's Friends and Family

Thursday, October 11, 2007

October 11th - More Tests for Bill

No answers today, but two more tests were performed. The morning started with another MRI, this time on the upper spine where the neck meets the brain. They are looking for more 'dead cells', but more important, the MRI will act as a baseline for future exams. The second, a LP (Lumbar Puncture, aka Spinal Tap). These results are expected on Monday. The big question is if the spinal fluid contains leukemia or not. Lots scenarios based on what they find, to be continued.

Dad is spending another night in the hospital... it's possible he will get to go home Friday. Regardless, he will return Saturday for a chemo dose.

The best news is that Dad ate food. Yesterday, he ate very little. In his defense, dinner was cafeteria style roast beef. It did not look tasty, and I wouldn't blame anyone for not eating it. Today, I brought rigatoni from home and warmed it up when he was ready to eat... he was a member of the Clean Plate Club. It is good to know he still has an appetite.



Janine Garner said...

Nothing like Grandmom's sauce to make you feel better!
Thanks for posting my donation badge!

Anonymous said...

Pasta is the best medicine! The test and wait game is the worst game - but play we must! Bill has always been a good game player - and knows how to win.

Here's to a winning season!

Love, prayers, and good health,

Anonymous said...

Janine- You didn't tell me you had researched a donation program in honor of Dad/Bill. What a wonderful gift. It would be Dad's wish to have something good come from his fight against this disease.
I also want to thank all those who have sent me e-mails saying they donated blood or platelets in the past month. Your donation is a blessing to someone, and probably a chance to survive their illness or accident.
Bless you all, and hang in there Bill. Just one more day of chemo this week.

Anonymous said...

CHOCOLATE!! That is the cure. Bring him a bag of Hershey kisses from me. Forget pasta!!! Chocolate!! Hang in there, Bill. This will be over soon and you, Nancy, and David will be aggravating me to play golf with you guys. I will say no, as usual.Prayers are being said in your behalf as I write this.
Love to all the Hubers,

Anonymous said...

Bill- Yep! Sauce with pasta cures all. but don't forget your veggies with a little chocolate on the side.

Good luck with tomorrow's treatment. We'll be praying for you.

Jon- you have been a God sent to all of us this week. You are special.

Keeping you in my prayers,

Jon said...

special??? Special, like short bus special???