Bill's Friends and Family

Friday, October 19, 2007

October 19 - Day 2 and Counting

Not much happening today – eat, nap and read. I am almost through David McCullough’s 1712 and after that, I will tackle two more revolutionary war era novels. After my doctor visit on Monday, I am going to establish an exercise program to work on stamina and general body strength. For those of you who know me from Knoxville and London, I weigh about the same as when I was living there and running 25 to 30 miles a week. I wanted to get back to that weight, but I had a different method in mind of getting there.

As usual, Nancy is my biggest booster and keeps me on track and moving forward. Her tireless spirit and energy are an inspiration to me.

Now that I realize that I can solicit over a dozen comments by writing a couple of short paragraphs, I will add writing the daily blog to my daily therapy. Your comments make me laugh, cry and feel very thankful to have such wonderful family and friends. Your comments also make me realize how quirky and somewhat crazy this circle of family and friends is. However, I do not believe brain surgery will fix this bunch.

Jon wants to set up a chat room on this site so that we can communicate for an hour a day. Let me know what you think.

Thank you for your support.


Anonymous said...

So great to see your healthy spirit. Brian and I just joined the gym, so we will work out with you. LOL!!
I'm up for the Chat Room, however, my mom may need some help!!! LOL. I may have to teach her some faster typing skills.
You are an inspiration to me.
Aunt Nancy keep up the endurance.
Thinking and Praying for you,
E.B. & Brian

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to see you writing again today! Hope it's been a good one. If you replaced reading with chasing squirrels you and Buddy would have the same routine--hey an idea for your exercise program perhaps? I expect to see the sling light up around 12:25 eastern tomorrow --Go Vols!
Love ya and say hey to Nancy,


Jon said...

No one knows what 'LOL' is, or ROFL, OMG, BTW, PWN... Oh, the things you will learn when you join a chat room.

Anonymous said...

Nancy has always been a good taskmaster - ask your kids! But believe me, I empathize with her - it is a thankless job! Remember me with mom, and you and Paula thinking I was the evil child! Now you know!!!

Reading novels - someday I may have the luxury to do that. Take advantage of the time - sooner than you know you will be saying the same thing.

Yes, we are definitely a unique group - and we wouldn't change a gene! Too bad we don't have any chronological teenagers in the group! We old folk may need some help in that chat room. We need a chat room 101 course - anyone willing to help??

Keep the info coming - GO STEELERS!

Kathy from Dublin said...

I've noticed that Baby Andrew has more hair than you do. Jim seems to run into that same problem regularly.
Jim and I are going to the OSU/MSU game tomorrow. It may be the first good competition they've had.
Have a good weekend.
Jim and Kathy

Anonymous said...


It is great to get your version of a day eat, nap, read must be wonderful.

You could always come to PA and help my retired husband pick nuts bring Buddy along and you can chase the neighborhood squirrel away from them.

I'm up to the chat room only if mom gets to participate too. Our new computer has a camera so maybe we could talk instead. I have no clue how it works but I am sure my wonderful technologically advanced children will be more that willing to help their ol' mom. None of them were educated in the age of NCLB...
so I am sure they know what to do.

Nancy keep up the good words with Bill.

Go Steelers!
Thinking of you often and saying a prayer

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to see that you are actually writing your own comments now!! What a happy feeling
your words give to all of us.
Now that you have time for reading, are you planning on brushing up on bridge!! After all, for awhile......"bridge was your life"!! :-) Remember??? I'm sure Nancy wouldn't mind if one of these days you would "tip toe" to the bridge table again.....maybe after you got there, you would even play some bridge!!!! Ok, OK.........I hear you laughing!! It was just a thought!
Rest and recover........those grandchildren can't wait to see you!

Love, Karen

Anonymous said...

Great to have you back! I've been thinking about getting back into my exercise routine too. Problem is, I've been THINKING ABOUT IT all summer. I'll let you be my inspiration. I'm going to start Monday too, REALLY!
The chat room sounds great, if I can figure out how to use it. Maybe Rick can help me.
Hugs to you and Nancy both.
Kathy Usery

Anonymous said...


Wow, you've written in two days in a row!!! You're going to spoil us with all this attention! But I'll take this as a sign that you feel even better. :)

Any time you feel like going for a walk around the block on Monday or Tuesday, give me a call. Jack and Kevin love being outside, and I'm trying to train them to walk longer distances on their own. Maybe the three of you can train together? If anything can build your endurance, it's chasing after toddlers!

I'm all for the chat room although I'm on the computer at irregular times. I hope to catch you online sometime!

Talk to you soon,
Janet and John

Anonymous said...

Bill and Nancy,

We have been away babysitting for our Arizona grandchildren for almost a week so we have come back to a lot of news at once again. It is always fun to see what has happened over that time frame. This time things weren't so good as we left and so much better now. Wonderful!

First a blog and now a chat room...are you trying to force us into the world of technology?? The whole concept is very scarey.

We love all of the pictures, especially the ones of your two darling grandchildren. Oh yes, also the one of you with Apple Jacks, Bill. Keep them coming.

Keep up the good work and recovery. We need to get you both out to Arizona this winter.

Pam and Jeff

Anonymous said...

I'm about to go to our staff meeting. What were the names of some of those drugs you were taking? Are they available over the counter?

Glad to see you up and online. Talked to Don Del Bosco last week. He said he wants you to act in a safety video.

Still have you in my thoughts and prayers. Not sure I can make the leap into the chatroom. Some of these people may be too wild for a shy engineer. Still have you in my thoughts and prayers.

Take care, Steve Lenker

Mickey Hornack said...

Hope things are as well as possible. I want to join the chat room the next time. contacted cousin Jennifer and made her aware.

Mickey Hornack said...

Hope this finds things going as well as possible. hope to join the next chat room. contacted cousin Jennifer and she is aware of the situation. Hang in there be positive good things will happen